Review of Tapmydata App!!

6 min readDec 20, 2020

Nowadays, individuals and organizations create data on the internet through one way or another. For example, create Facebook, Gmail, Twitter accounts, … These data of you are stored by the organization of that application and users have absolutely no access to it. This is also where things like fake information and buying and selling information started. So how can we both manage our own and generate income? Tapmydata is the answer.

What is Tapmydata?

Tapmydata is a decentralized storage network that operates on a secure smart contract which gives it users the full control of their data. Tapmydata is also a data marketplace where users can trade their data based on their terms in other to maximize financial return without the intervention of a third-party. With Tapmydata, users determines whether to share, monetized on their own terms or destroy data.

Tapmydata App

Tapmydata may be a innovative solution to store your data. you’ll store all of your data during this platform. Tapmydata will provide you the simplest security and control of your data. Now question arises how will you get advantage from this platform. To urge advantage you ought to download Tapmydata apps from playstore. This is often not the very fact are you new or existing user of Tapmydata app, you employ it within the same thanks to add personal credentials and ID, request data, and store this in your secure wallet. The Tapmydata team has no access to your data.Only you recognize your key and only you’ll access your data.

With the advancement of technology, everyone has their own smartphone. This is why the Tapmydata App was born. Now, even when you’re on the go, it’s easy to manage your data.

Tapmydata App is available on two app stores: App store and Google play.

Tapmydata App enables people to take back control over the use of their personal data, through the following actions:

  • Request: See what data organisations hold about you.
  • Store: Verify and store your data in your personal data locker.
  • Earn: Receive TAP coins to spend in the market place.

Tapmydata App provides you with the personal data and other information held on you by third parties based upon your requests made through the App (collectively, the “Personal Data”). We operate platform services for our users driven by legally-recognised rights around the use of their Personal Data. The Personal Data is for your own personal use and Tapmydata makes no representation or warranty as to its accuracy or completeness or that a company will respond to the request made on your behalf.

For the best user experience and to protect users from abuse, the project has some rules outlined below. Note that the developer may need to change these rules from time to time and reserve the right to do so. No App abuse will be tolerated. Any violation of these rules could result in suspension or permanent or deletion of your account.

Unlawful Use: You shall not use the App or any Personal Data provided for any unlawful purposes or in furtherance of any illegal activities. International users are required to comply with all applicable local laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content.

Unauthorized Access: You shall not do any of the following while accessing or using the App: (i) access, tamper with or use non-public areas of the App (except for your own account), Tapmydata computer systems or the technical delivery systems of our providers; (ii) probe, scan or test the vulnerability of any system or network or breach or circumvent any security or authentication measures; (iii) attempt to access or search the App or any Personal Data by any means (automated or otherwise) other than through our currently available, published interfaces; or (iv) interfere with or disrupt, or attempt to do so, the access of any user, host or network.

No Misuse: You confirm that you have a customer, member or other pre-existing relationship with the companies you request information from or towards which you exercise any other individual data protection rights, or that you have reason to believe that a company has or could have your Personal Data.

No Spamming: You may not use our App to request information from or exercise any other individual data protection rights under the GDPR towards companies with which you have no pre-existing relationship or of which you have no reason to believe that they may have your Personal Data.

No Reproduction: You shall not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade or resell the App content or its design and look or any information derived from the App. You are not entitled to modify or redistribute the App content or its design and look or any information or to reproduce, store, link, frame or deep-link it on any other App or in any other medium or format without our prior express consent. Further, you shall not use the App for commercial exploitation in any circumstances.

No Malicious Software and Content: You shall not provide any malicious content intended to damage or disrupt another user’s browser or computer or to compromise any user’s privacy.

Respect for Privacy of Third Parties: You shall not disclose other people’s personal data without their prior expressed consent.

No matter how perfect a project is, it has limitations. So is Tapmydata. Tapmydata provides the content and functionalities of the App and any Personal Data in good faith, but your access to and use of the App is at your own risk. Tapmydata operates the App on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis without representation or warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, including without limitation of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, availability on an uninterrupted, secure or error-free basis or non-infringement of any copyrights, trademarks, designs, database rights, patents or other intellectual property rights in the jurisdiction in which you access and/or use the App. Tapmydata operates platform services and gives no representation, warranty or undertaking for advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained from Tapmydata or the App, for the completeness, accuracy, timeliness, security or reliability of the App, or that the Personal Data is of satisfactory quality, up-to-date or free from viruses, trojans or other harmful or malicious programs. Tapmydata will not be responsible or liable for any harm to your computer system, loss of data or other harm resulting from your access to or use of the App or for the deletion of, or the failure to store or to transmit, any data or Personal Data and other communications.

The app awards TAP tokens for activity which benefits the community, like sharing data or verifying credentials. You can then use these tokens (or buy more) to mint your own Block Chain Verified Consent artefacts. These are what organizations purchase for use in targeted marketing, also using the tokens. Tapmydata Technology include: Easy to use — ‘consumer grade’ technology, Total security with end-to-end encryption, Privacy by Design from inception, Open API & Third-party integrations with leading CRM platforms. The Tapmydata application is being expanded to support: Verifiable claim support, Verification marketplace (currently uses our own ID Verification Beta), Document signing

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